Company Donation

Thank you for your donation to CHAPA!

Why our donors give:

“I have been a long-time supporter of CHAPA because the organization is in the forefront of advancing critical planning and housing issues that are important to the Commonwealth. CHAPA provides a voice for the housing community and is a go-to resource for all from advocates and activists to professionals and politicians. We are lucky to have a strong organization in CHAPA, staff, board, and membership."

"CHAPA positions the affordable housing industry (public, private, and non-profit) as valued partners in creating opportunity and improving lives in Massachusetts. Through CHAPA’s trainings, forums, policy work, young professionals program, etc. CHAPA keeps us well-informed about affordable housing efforts in Massachusetts."


To make this donation as an individual (instead of as an organization), please either login to your account to make the donation, or click on the "Donate as an Individual" button in the upper right hand corner of this form.

Attention: if you're donating towards the Annual Dinner, please register here instead. If you have any additional questions about registering for the Annual Dinner please contact

Company Name

Organization's Primary Contact

Please enter the contact information for your organization's primary contact (usually a President, Executive Director, CEO, etc).


Create a Login

If you would like to manage your account (i.e., manage membership, event registrations, donations, contact information, etc.), please create a login name and password. (Creating an account is strongly encouraged.)

If you already have an account, please CLICK HERE to login to your account and fill out the donation form in your constituent portal.

If you are having any problems with this form, please contact